看一看历届Ludum Dare的主题


Ludum Dare是一个经常性以推进个人游戏开发为目的的开发竞赛。参与者需要在48小时内针对所设定的主题创作游戏。Ludum Dare是Geoff Howland一手建立的,第一次举办在2002年4月。


我假装参加了好几次,结果都是没有提交。所以说我就像是根本没有开始,但是上次的 booom 主题提醒了我,我应该做什么,我虽然没有完成,但上传到了 itch.io 上,是时候补课了。




No. Month Theme(bonus) Mine
0 April 2002 Indirect interaction
1 July 2002 Guardian
2 November 2002 Construction/destruction(sheep)
3 April 2003 Preparation - Set it up, let it go
4 April 2004 Infection
5 October 2004 Random
6 April 2005 Light and darkness
7 December 2005 Growth
8 April 2006 Swarms
8.5 January 2007 Moon/anti-text
9 April 2007 Build the level you play
10 December 2007 Chain reaction
10.5 February 2008 Weird/unexpected/surprise
11 April 2008 Minimalist
12 August 2008 The tower
13 December 2008 Roads
14 April 2009 Advancing wall of doom
15 August 2009 Caverns
16 December 2009 Exploration
17 April 2010 Islands
18 August 2010 Enemies as weapons
19 December 2010 Discovery
20 April 2011 It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this!
21 August 2011 Escape
22 December 2011 Alone(kitten challenge)
23 April 2012 Tiny world
24 August 2012 Evolution
25 December 2012 You are the villain(goat)
26 April 2013 Minimalism(potato)
27 August 2013 10 seconds
28 December 2013 You only get one
29 April 2014 Beneath the surface
30 August 2014 Connected Worlds
31 December 2014 Entire Game on One Screen
32 April 2015 An Unconventional Weapon
33 August 2015 You are the Monster
34 December 2015 Growing/two button controls
35 April 2016 Shapeshift
36 August 2016 Ancient Technology
37 December 2016 One Room
38 April 2017 A Small World
39 July 2017 Running out of Power
40 December 2017 The more you have, the worse it is
41 April 2018 Combine two incompatible genres
42 August 2018 Running out of space
43 December 2018 Sacrifices must be made
44 April 2019 Your life is currency
45 October 2019 Start with nothing